Wednesday 29 September 2010

So a bit more information about the game.

Squishy is a physics-based platformer. The main character is a soft-bodied hero with two elasticated arms that can be used to swing around the levels, pick up and carry objects and generally interact with the environment.

Development has been just over a year now. There are no playable demos as yet as there are no actual levels as such, but a fairly sophisticated level editor has been developed that makes it easy to construct these.

We hope to have a playable demo available in the next few months.

Reception on the forums has been very positive so far and we are hoping this blog will provide a nice way to report on progress and development without rambling on about programming.


  1. Hello im ilanglo i have been following the technical blog since the star and now i follow this one. May i be a beta tester or something like that?

  2. Hi ilanglo, thanks for the comment.

    I very much appreciate the offer of beta testing as I would very much like to beta test to a closed group, ideally a mixed group of developers and non-technical gamers. I'm assuming you are in the former since you've been following on GameDev.

    I'm hoping to get round to putting up a proper website at and will hopefully be able to provide a service to volunteer as a beta tester there.
